Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I know I've shared about our berries before but I was out in the garden this morning picking the ripe fruits for the day and just struck how pretty they are.  I think our berries might even be wild raspberries.  The colloquial term 'round these parts is black caps because they are so dark and almost black when ripe.  I hated picking raspberries when I was a kid because I was afraid of bees.  I'm still afraid of bees but these berries grow more on a vine than on a bush so you don't have to shuffle through them.  And no my fingers aren't bleeding, those plump berries are just so ripe and juicy.
I can't always trust Dave to pick them because most of the berries go in his mouth.  When I pick them, they go in my top dollar sour cream container Tupperware and into the freezer for later baking.
I have been so pleased with my dill this year.  I planted it back in May and every day I go out and look at  it and water it and I've fertilized it once.  I had 4 vibrant plants developing...HAD.  I went out yesterday and some critter had bitten the stalks right off so this pot went straight up onto the deck!  I'm hoping they'll come back.  I don't have any cucumbers yet so I don't need it for pickling but I wanted to have some bushy sprigs for grilling fish!

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