Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fair and Family Fun

My brother was here all week squeezing two weekend military drills into one week before his deployment.  His family joined us on Friday and my younger niece and I were inspired by The Great British Baking Bake Off so we baked up some raspberry hand pies.  I always brush them with egg wash and sprinkle them with coarse sugar before baking but I'd had this multi colored coarse sugar and wanted to try it.  I thought they'd either look really cool or the colors would melt together and look terrible.  Here they are brushed and sprinkled prior to baking.
Here they are all baked and puffed.  The sprinkles look pretty good!  Granted they look like circus turnovers but they were fun and colorful and tasted just as good.
John came with me to the fair on Thursday and I'm proud to report I nabbed the grand champion with my bead knitted bag!  I entered 23 things and got 2 white, 3 reds, four items didn't place and the rest were all blues so I'm happy with how I fared at the fair.  Tonight I go and pick up my stuff.
We had chilly weather the day we went and it was awesome!  I wore a long sleeve shirt and got to eat my potato blossom!  This is my absolute favorite food item at this fair.  You get all this crispy fried goodness for $6.  All you need is a friend to help you eat it!
The first cherry tomatoes ripened this weekend too which was exciting.  My sister in law picked today's raspberries and my nieces picked a colander of peas for me today while I was unloading the dishwasher.  They gave all the dogs baths on the deck too but I didn't take pictures of that!

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