Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Garmin needed a sleeping bag...

I am now the proud owner of a Garmin GPS! Shopko had an awesome sale and I got mine for $89! I didn't shell out for the carrying case so instead I made one. Dave and I are going to Duluth this coming weekend and I wanted to get it done before then and not just let it bump around in my purse.
Mom and Ava and I will no doubt use it in London next summer so what better fabric to use than my London Map and Subway Guide fabric?!? I think I got this at Supperbuzzy.com. It is a fabulous and durable canvas fabric and was 60" wide so a yard goes a long way. I bought a cut for my mother and gave it to her for her birthday a few years ago. To pad this, I sandwiched white fleece interfacing between the canvas and some muslin lining and finished it off with a powder blue 7 inch zipper from my sewing stash. There is enough room to keep the Garmin literature/reference booklets inside as well.

I decided I didn't want the cords and windshield mount scraping around inside the same bag so I will use this rather appropriate fabric drawstring bag for those. I made this a few years ago before another trip to London to contain my sock knitting. I just loved these little "tin soldiers" in the design. I know I got this fabric at Mill End Textiles in Rochester. The little red soldiers are particularly appropriate considering...

...the reverse of the bag shows the location of Buckingham Palace! :)

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