Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dave and I traveled to Duluth this weekend for his bowling tournament. I was born in northern Minnesota but I've been an Iowan since I was 2 years old and was last in Duluth as an infant. One of my dear friends from 6W would go to Duluth with her family quite a lot for weekend getaways and now I know why! Duluth was absolutely delightful and we really didn't get to see that much due to weather and tournament obligations! It was windy and beginning to snow when we arrived on Friday afternoon and THIS is what greeted us at Canal Park! There were 2 ships anchored out on the water because they couldn't come in since the water was too rough.
We stood out and looked and tried to stay upright for about ten minutes before retreating into the free and awesome welcome center there. The wind would blow you right over and Dave stood too close to the shore and got hit by a wave and was DRENCHED. We were actually getting frostbite out in the wind! We stepped outside again at 1800 when the visitors' center closed and by that time, it had gotten even colder and the spray was actually freezing in the air and stung when it hit you in the face. Thank goodness we packed winter coats and clothes!

We went back the next day and got to actually walk on the shore, do some beach combing and take some decent pictures. I just love piles of stones!
Here is a more decent picture of the lighthouse when the water was less angry. We walked up on the slip where the ships come in and estimated that the waves had to be at least 15 feet the day before.I loved the lake and the bridges! It was hard to believe we were on the shore of lake and not the ocean!

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