Friday, August 01, 2008

Sparky Fur

I have wedding knitting I really should be working on, but instead I have been playing with dog hair! Our family dog had his first hair cut this week and I asked them to save the fur for spinning. He is a beagle/poodle mix so the hair was quite short. I had about 2 ounces or so and carded it all out and tried to spin it...with no luck. Since the staple is so short, I had to really WAD it up to catch the twist because you just plain can't draft it. It would get very thick and thin in places which is fine, but I had trouble getting it to feed through the orifice or it would get hung up on the hooks. Oh well. I tried. I had been laughing about it and hoping I'd be able to knit him a sweater with yarn spun from his own fur! Maybe I can use it for needle felting. Or...I could do what any SANE person would do--throw it away! ;)

Oh, and here is a before and after picture of Sparky the Donor Dog! :) Isn't he a cute little guy?

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