Friday, August 01, 2008

County Fair

Mom and I did really well at the fair in Britt and Mason City. I entered a pair of those Perdita cuffs, a felted purse, a temari ball, and Deedee's zig zag mittens. In Britt I got a grand champion on the cuffs (I sewed the buttons on just prior to dropping them off and noticed that I had TOTALLY left out a row of beads! I guess the judge didn't notice or didn't care!), a reserve grand champion on the temari ball, and blues on the purse and mittens. My mother entered a hardanger liturgical stole she'd embroidered for our church and got the grand champion overall best in show! She won it last year too with a hardanger baptismal gown! :) I was very proud of her! I even told her as we were dropping our items off that I was just sure she'd win it again! In Mason City, I got blues on everything but won a special "Judge's Choice" award on the mittens. And of course you win $1.50 for each blue ribbon! Mom entered her baptism dress and got a blue as well. Now we're already thinking about what to enter next year!

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