Sunday, November 28, 2021

Picking up where I left off...

We are all well and healthy but worn out.  Dave is full time in person at the school and I'm working full time in the hospital.  Our numbers are ghastly in Minnesota right now and we just had Thanksgiving so I worry what things will look like in a week or two.  Get your vaccines people.  I really try not to think about it when I'm not there.

My last post months ago, I posted a picture of the yoke of this sweater.  It has been a brutally busy summer and fall with work and appointments and deadlines and life.

This pattern is called Hyphen and was some very rewarding yet mindless knitting which is a lovely distraction during a pandemic.  It was knit with some superwash Rowan worsted wool and has held up very well as a play/house cardigan.  After all that radio silence it is now sweater weather again.

I made this play mat out of a fabric panel from Superbuzzy for The Boy's cars.  He really likes matchbox cars but enjoys driving them on a parking ramp toy we found at Saver's.  I do love this panel though.

I fished this toy out of a box of trinkets I still had from the move.  I was a 4H youth exchange to Norway in high school with a classmate and her grandpa gave us these replica toys of the aircraft we flew on.  Long gone are the days of SAS.  Marek loves flying his airplane.

I'd hoarded up a bunch of Daniel Tiger fabric I found on clearance at Joann's.  The play room is in transition to be Marek's big boy room and will need curtains and bedding for a big boy bed.  I made this blanket for a toddler bed.  I had another Daniel Tiger print I'm using for the curtains and honestly wasn't really fond of this one because it just has too much red in it for my taste.  His stuffed toy Tigey is in the print as a pop of royal blue color so I decided to bring it out by backing it with more blue.  I can live with this blanket balanced with the blue.

I had enough left over for one magic pillowcase and found another royal blue small dot print to use as a cuff to tone down all that red.  The red accent is another small dot print that looked sharp next to the other fabrics.

In spring before the garden comes in, there is an open space in front of my sewing room window and this fool scares the bejeebers out of me at night when he takes the dog out.  Every.  Time.

I added lavender to my kitchen pot herb garden and it was lovely!  I couldn't believe it worked!

I clipped the blossoms as they came in to dry a few stalks at a time.  Next year I want to figure out how to plant ROWS of the stuff and cut handfuls at a time.  I love lavender!

I don't have to remind you that we had a hot summer and a drought this year.  I have never seen our pond so low.  It looked more like a big mud puddle.

We still had our frogs and water fowl but it wasn't our sun dappled million dollar pond view this summer.

During the one week the pandemic was under control this summer, we drove up north to see my brother's family.  Here we are next to Lake Superior.  It was in the 90's and disgusting all afternoon and it was downright chilly next to the lake.  I couldn't believe it.  We learned the hard way that you always have to pack warm clothes when you're up there.

The Boy loves to play with water.  If he doesn't have his trunks on, he's still going in the water!  I felt so bad for him that would still couldn't go to the toddler paddling pool or the swimming pool because of the pandemic. 

If we water the garden, his clothes start to come off and he is playing in the hose.  He is such a boy because he would get absolutely filthy every day.  That's what little boys do!

We had another good year for tomatoes despite our really slow start.  I bought an Aerogarden this spring so I'm looking forward to getting a jump start next year.  I want to do some winter gardening too and I'll keep you posted on that.

Marek liked being involved in the garden.  We had the backyard fenced in this spring which has been so nice for both The Boy and Lopi.  Both can roam freely and we can actually work without worrying about them.  He enjoyed picking vegetables but was constantly picking green tomatoes!

We frequented our farmers' markets as usual.  At the big one downtown, Dave would drop me off and pick me up while they circled the block.  I got some lovely popcorn this year, maple syrup, fresh flowers, veggies, etc.  I look forward to when we can all go together and make a day of it.

I'm always thankful at fair season because it means the heat will soon be over!  We went to the Washington County fair this year but stayed the hell away from the State Fair.  Here we made a new friend in one of the livestock barns!  
 I did our end of the season canning again.  Our cucumbers were such a let down this year so I didn't make pickles but we still have a bunch from last year.  I did lots of tomato sauce and marinara.

I got a bunch of apples for $1.99/pound at Aldi and made several pints of apple sauce.  This year there were plenty of jars but a shortage of lids.  I couldn't believe it!  I had several boxes of lids left over from last year and had enough but I was very frugal with them.

I'd been saving pretty jars from jams and mustards and what not to re-use for freezer jam and I'm so glad I did because they already had their own lids.  I was able to spare/stretch my lid supply this way.

Halloween ushered in the official end of the summer and he went as a palace guard!  He's wearing a set of pajamas I bought somewhere in London years ago for my nephew and my sister returned them to me once he outgrew them.  I thought they'd be perfect for a costume because they're a little big and could be worn over his clothes.

I knit that hat based on this pattern using novelty yarn I had in the stash and I don't know why I'd even bought it.  I stuffed the top with tissue paper and sewed some gold braid onto a strip of black felt for the chin strap.  We only trick-or-treated at our neighbors and at Dave's parents' house but Marek had fun.  He is at the age where you can hardly keep the costume on him and he was DONE after about 3 houses.  He enjoyed the candy but couldn't handle any length of time.  He'll be ready next year!

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