Monday, November 09, 2020


I finished finishing Marek's newest sweater Arlo and I absolutely love it!  We had almost 2 weeks of glorious warm fall weather so we could go out for some glamour shots. 
Here is the cabled back.  The sleeves knit up in a flash because they were plain stockinette.  Here he is playing in the free-on-the-curb water table Dave found on his way to work.  It was in pretty sorry shape but we did play with water in it until the Boy broke the pump off.  Dave had the brilliant idea of filling it with the contents of the fraying sand tubes from the bed of the truck.  Now we have an elevated sand box.

We never carved our pumpkin this year which is OK.  This way we could use it for a fall photo prop.

The Boy absolutely would not let us put his sneakers on and wanted to wear his crocs for the photo.  He was just up from his nap and a little hangry.  I didn't push my luck about the shoes...

...because he wasn't cooperative the entire time!  I was happy with the shots we got before he melted down.

I played a little yarn chicken before I finished up his Eventyrlue hat/hood.  I used up my remaining skein but had part of a mitten I'd started and abandoned to change needles and repeats.  I cannibalized all but about a yard and half of that mitten to finish the hat!  Now Marek has all his winter accessories needed for the season and I can start on some for Dave.

 This was the longest week of my life waiting for election results.  I stayed up until 0300 on Election Day but it made me too nervous to knit in front of the TV and watch it.  I turned on the TV in the family room and retreated to the sewing room.  Every time I'd get up to the ironing board, I'd wander out to check the progress.  Dave's truck got stolen last week in broad daylight from the parking lot at his work.  I was sitting in the car with Marek at a car dealership while Dave was out test driving a new vehicle when we heard the news that Biden was the projected winner.  I haven't felt that relieved in a very long time.  Our neighbor a few blocks away had this display on his fence and it was a joy to behold.

 Our weather is beginning to turn cooler and wet.  I'm so nervous about work.  Our Covid numbers in this county may keep Dave from working at the school so we're waiting to see how that will play out.  Pfizer released extremely optimistic vaccine news today but we have to get through this surge first.  Biden addressed the nation today as the President-Elect urging people to wear masks and was that ever refreshing.  We are stocked up and ready to hole up at home.  We've already decided we are not getting together with any family for Thanksgiving and probably not Christmas either.  I am thankful for technology because I can see family over the phone but of course it is a poor substitute.  Take comfort in small things.  I love looking out at our gumdrop tree.  Be safe and wear a mask.  Take care of each other.  God Bless the USA!

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