Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Seeking Calm

This is the sunlit hall I walk through every day on the way to my department at work.  These windows are painted every holiday season by the different units within the hospital.  They are now painted in hopeful and cheerful rally-for-the-pandemic themes.  I think it is so pretty when the sun shines through and reproduces the designs on the floor in shadows.  There are signs, cards and posters from the public hung all over in the hallways and elevators.  I appreciate the well wishes but it doesn't ease my anxiety.  We are expected to peak towards the end of June and I have my first re-orientation shift in the ICU tomorrow in preparation for my eventual deployment.  I was notified last week and had a good cry or two about it.  I am nervous all the time.
Pictured here is my Mother's Day gift.  I needed a new kettle and this one lights up and is almost twice as big as the old one.  I needed another coffee cup like I need a hole in the head but it is cabled knitting!  We've had the last of our cool weather when tea tastes best.
Marek enjoys playing with bubbles on the deck.  In these photos, spring had barely sprung and it was almost too cool to be outside. 
It was a bright but overcast day and the bubbles were so vibrant and colorful.  I'd never tried taking pictures of bubbles before and I'm sure the neighbors thought I was crazy.
Last month we started a bunch of seeds indoors and got them in the ground after Mother's Day.  This year we're trying pole beans instead of bush beans because I'm tired of bending down to pick them and I hate how sandy and yucky they get on the ground.  I got these wire frames at Menard's and we'll see how this goes.  Dave's dad gave us cauliflower and broccoli seedlings he started.  Marek loves broccoli so I'm excited to try growing it ourselves.

We're going to try those wire frames with our cucumbers too.  I wanted to do the straw bale gardening we saw at the State Fair but because of the pandemic, we couldn't go and get the equipment/supplies for it and I'm hoping the wire frames will make a difference this year.
This little boy loves to draw and instantly took to the sidewalk chalk I got him.  He's wearing his new "Crocs" I found at Aldi.  I can handle the quarantine and closed businesses, but I really miss Saver's.
We had a fawn born in our neighborhood.  He slept in our rhubarb next to the air conditioner for a couple afternoons.  When he'd bleat for his mother, it sounded like a child.
Here is Mom coming to feed him but not before she stopped for a snack of hostas.  She is practically on our front porch.  We were all very quiet inside the house so as not to spook her because we wanted her to go to the fawn.
I love our front apple tree when it blooms every spring.  It is a visual feast of color and texture.
As much as I love looking at the blooms, I love when the petals drip from the branches and carpet the sidewalk and lawn.  Our next flowers will be the peony bush any day now.
It has been warm and humid all week and perfect for this little nerd to play with water.  We also have his kiddie pool set up in the yard.  I found him a large paint brush so he can paint the sidewalk with water.  We used to do that for hours as kids.
It is official summer pajamas weather.  Gone are the zip up one piece footy pajama suits and we're now in the cotton knit short sleeve and sometimes short pants pajamas.  Here he is on the video baby monitor we got for $22 after sale price, coupon, and rat holed $5 Target gift cards.  My sister's kids call this, "The Marek Show."
This little goof is the light of my life.  He is so funny with the little things he does or the way he sees the world.  He is worth every ounce of energy.
He has discovered how light switches work.
I'm still sewing surgical caps every chance I get but last week I spent my evenings knitting on the couch.  I know I get worked up about things and I have been nothing short of terrified of my orientation shift tomorrow so I wanted to sit and lose myself in the TV and some mindless knitting.  These are some baby socks knit from yarn leftover from M's Sweet William sweater. 

They've officially cancelled the county fairs we go to and the State Fair.  I'm so disappointed but it was the right thing to do.  The fiber festival was also canceled this month.  Damn you Covid-19!  It was the right thing to do.  Basically we all got a year's extension to get more projects done for next year's fair.

Find comfort and peace where you can.  Stay home, wash your hands and be safe.  This too shall pass.

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