Saturday, February 08, 2020

Poor Marek got his first official goose egg.  He thwacked his forehead on the oak buffet that serves as our living room TV stand.  I was sitting on the floor with him and I'm still not sure how he did it because he was standing about six inches away from it.  The meaty thud sounded terrible and he bawled as I cuddled him and the lump rose up on this forehead.  This is what it looked like the following morning and you can kind of see the faint bruise.  We had a physical therapist and teacher at the house shortly after this picture was taken and I pointed it out to them and swore we didn't beat our child.  Interestingly, the physical therapist said that is a good sign to them that he is walking more/better because toddlers fall and run into things as they are mastering walking.  M's feet don't seem to keep up with his torso when he is walking and I hold my breath a lot.  I always worry he will fall and hit his head on the toilet or the corners of tables or walls or whatever.  You have to let them go and let them learn but he's turning my hair gray.  I'm getting silver threads amongst the gold!
I saw this idea on Pinterest for a Boo Boo Bag for toddlers.  It is basically a rice filled fabric bean bag that you keep in the freezer and put on toddler owies and boo boo's as a comfort.  I put some dried lavender flowers inside too so they smell lovely and comforting.  These can also be nuked briefly in the microwave and used as a warm pack.

Prior to this, I have used my mother's technique of the all purpose healing washcloth.  If you're worked up and upset, a warm washcloth to the face and being held and rocked will cure what ails you.  If you're bleeding or swelling, a cold washcloth or a wet washcloth wrapped around an ice cube is the best thing in the world.  Marek has fallen and bitten his lip a few times and the cold washcloth has been deployed.  He is such a little goof and likes to suck on the washcloth after he has calmed down.
Dave's coworker just adopted a little boy from Korea.  He is a few months younger than Marek and is their first child.  We were late bloomers when it came to kids so we were really excited for them and I wanted to make a few gifts.  As long as I was making Boo Boo Bags, I made a set for them as well.  I also knitted them another one of these Eventyrlue hats. 
I can't post a link to her blog anymore, but this pattern is a free Ravelry download.  I made the flaps on this one a little longer and M was gracious enough to model it for me.  I just love the elf point at the top!
I also made them an upcycled towel bib.  Here is the boy not cooperating or looking at the camera.
I don't know why I'm on such a Valentine kick, but I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning making a Valentine candle mat.  I've made several of these over the years but I didn't have one for the upcoming holiday.  I'd had several packages of these tiny buttons in my findings box for EVER and made this whole thing in one sitting.  I don't like pink but I do like fuchsia and red.  That mottled pink felt was purchased at Treadle Yard Goods with the gift certificate I won at the Washington County Fair two years ago.  It's a ripping evening in the Anderson household when I spend it sewing hundreds of tiny buttons onto felt.  I really like how it turned out and I love busy things.
This is not related to anything but I thought it was so funny.  Here we are at Joann fabrics in the ladies' room!  I had my coffee before we left the house I can't let Marek down because he'll run all over the place so he came into the stall with me cart and all!

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