Sunday, December 01, 2019

You're An Elf!

My son might be an elf.  Or at least he's so cute he could be one.
Matters are helped by the fact that he's wearing a Norwegian sweater (picked up second hand at a Fretex shop two years ago in Oslo) and his new Fairytale Hat.  I can't remember where I first saw this pattern but I instantly loved it.  The link is to the author's blog and the pattern in Norwegian.  I can speak some Norwegian but I had a hard time following the pattern instructions på norsk.
There is now a link on her blog to an English version but that takes you to her Ravelry page and the download comes up again på norsk.  Somewhere I found an English version and used that but I still had a couple areas of confusion because I think some of the pattern instructions were unclear/lost in translation.  I looked at a few pictures of other Ravelers' projects and was able to figure it out.

This is basically a dickey with a pointy hood on it.  My only modification for the next one (and believe me, he's going to wear these until he's about 25) is to make the dickey flaps longer so they can't ride up.  I used up the very last of the gray wool/silk/angora yarn I got at the State Fair a few years ago.
And don't let those Christmas-Card-Caliber gorgeous photos fool you.  This was the second attempt photo shoot.  The first time around was before his afternoon nap and meal AND we broke the zipper on his second hand coat.  Now I'll have to replace the zipper but I'm kind of glad it happened or I wouldn't have thought to put the sweater on him as a contingency plan.  He napped and I served him some homemade comfort food macaroni and cheese for lunch and we even opened our advent calendars for a taste of chocolate before heading out for take two.
I think you'll agree the sweater pictures are far better.  I've learned to give up on a family shot and be thankful if you catch a few moments of him being cute by himself.
Then you add a dog and you're just asking for trouble.  Our family photo for the Christmas card is from this summer and M is restrained in a stroller so he can't get away.  These are pretty funny though and I don't mind at all that my cracks are showing.  There is no such thing as a perfect mom and I am living proof of that!

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