Saturday, November 09, 2019

Gopher Halloween

Happy Late Halloween!  This post is mainly about football which is unusual because I hate football.  Absolutely hate it.  I realize this is an unpopular opinion around this time of year.  I just feel it takes way too much time.  A one hour game is stretched out into four hours so the corporate swine who profit off the game can sell you Doritos and Pepsi.  They show 90 seconds of play and then 8 minutes of commercials.

However, my husband is a huge Gopher fan and the last two weeks he has been waiting for today's showdown between Minnesota and Penn State.  He has managed to wear Gopher attire every day for the last two weeks (without running out!) and he even went to bed early last night so he could get up early to watch the game with his dad.  In his defense, the team is 8 - 0 which they haven't been since the 1940's so it is historical.  He gave me a Gopher request for the Jack-O-Lantern this year and this is what I came up with.
Marek wore his lamb costume the weekend before, but on the day he wore an outfit that says, "I don't boo, I poo!"  It was cute and I found it amusing.  Here are the two kids watching Sesame Street.
I had a raging migraine all that week but on the day I scraped myself together and went with Dave to his parents' house to show them his outfit and he tried on his costume for them.  Here he is "helping" Grandma with the candy.
Even Lopi came in her costume!
Compulsory photo on the steps.  Note the Gopher regalia.
Here I am looking and feeling my migraine best.
This was an alternate costume idea.  We inherited this hand me down Adidas track suit and he looks like a West German gymnast in it!
Back to today's game.  In short, we won and I have to say it was a thrilling game.  Marek and I tuned in at home and played and colored throughout.  The Boy wore his second hand jersey and I wore one of Dave's Gopher shirts.  I cooked Dave a celebratory chicken dinner tonight and we'll eat leftovers all week.
Dave has dragged me to see Gopher rival trophies at the State Fair over the years like Paul Bunyan's Axe this summer.  Floyd of Rosedale and The Little Brown Jug have been there in the past and next summer we'll see today's Governor's Victory Bell trophy.
In sewing news, I used Joann coupons and got two new bobbin cases for 60% off.  This is the best improvement I've made in a long time.  These cases have attached lids and foam cavities that hold the bobbins in place.  Both the old and new are made by Dritz but my old one was a simple molded plastic tray and I can't tell you how many times I've bumped or slid it off the end of the sewing table.  Bobbins would go flying and rolling everywhere with much swearing and gnashing of teeth.  These new cases are awesome!
And whether you like it or not, the passing of Halloween ushers in the official beginning of The Holiday Season!  Christmas commercials are surfacing, stores are decorated and The Holiday Baking Displays are appearing!!!  I was at HyVee today and saw this one!  Weeeeeee!

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