Monday, September 16, 2019

Weekend At the Lake

We are entering fall!  This is always such a welcome and exciting time of year because I just plain get tired of sweating.  I have so many winter items I want to knit but I am still stuck on this black hole of a project that I started when we went to Las Vegas this spring!  It looks like a stole or wide scarf because of the lace ribbing but will in fact be a sleeveless shell that I won't even get to wear until next year.  The length is lost during blocking when it is pinned out to the required width.  I am loving that The Boy is on whole milk because I can sneak some into my teacup!  This was the first cup I'd had in months because the only hot beverage I drink in the heat of summer is coffee.
The Boy and I trekked down to Iowa last weekend to have a Crafty Fun Weekend with my two dear friends at "the lake".  I will admit I was a little nervous traveling solo with him but it went smoothly and we had a great time.  This lovely and homey set up is where we laid our heads for two nights.
I say we laid our heads there because that is about all we did at the camper, besides also eating fabulous meals together.  We always eat really well at our reunions!  We spent almost all our waking hours in the air conditioned Craft Coop sewing and were very productive.  Melissa's daughter was our informal photographer on this trip!
She was also quite the little Mother helping and keeping The Boy occupied.  Here they are in the upper bunk of the camper playing together.  I can remember when she was Marek's age.  Time flies!
One of my favorite projects from the weekend was this fabric pencil roll.  That is the African fabric I bought at Heddy's in Las Vegas and the ribbon was left over from our wedding flowers.
Serenity always enjoys little jobs like sorting zippers or what not and she was eager to put the pencils in the roll.
It will be a little while before he can use it but I made this one for The Boy and it holds chubby crayons.  This one is also finished with wedding ribbon.
Here is Serenity completing another vital job with Marek in the baby jail.  The Craft Coop had this curtained off area they normally use for massages but it was perfect to set up the playpen.  I was a rotten mother and brought my tablet with downloaded Muppet videos for him to watch and he occupied himself and interacted with Serenity.  He actually napped during his afternoon nap time and slept at his bedtime while we burned the midnight oil at the sewing machines.
I couldn't have done it without Melissa and Brenda and especially Serenity.  We had a great time with each other and enjoyed quality sewing time and the weather was perfect.  I can't remember the last time I got to sit down and get something done in the sewing room.  Here is my little roadtrip buddy standing up in his car seat!

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