Monday, May 20, 2019

Home Sweet Home

A few years ago my dad brought us 3 rhubarb plants split from the ones growing in his garden and they are growing like crazy on the south side of our house.  I've invited all the neighbors to help themselves to it and it is still trying to go to seed.  We had a week of beautiful sunny warm spring weather and then this past weekend was cold and rainy.  We even had a few flakes of snow thrown into the mix.  Come on already spring!
We were finally home for a weekend and I personally love the cold gloomy weather because it is fabulous for baking and putzing around in the kitchen.  My brother was in town for his Navy obligations and I thawed a whole chicken we'd had in the freezer to roast on Saturday.  We invited Dave's parents over because I hadn't seen them in almost a month and for the evening's dessert, I baked rhubarb pie.  The first stalks in spring are such a beautiful streaky pink color.
My pie crust recipe makes two double crusts and my rhubarb custard recipe produces two pies.  I decided why bake two pies when you can bake four?!  I used up a bunch of the "pie plant" as my grandpa Maynerd used to call it and I took a pie over to each of our 3 close neighbors.
I also had almost two full hours on Sunday night to work on my latest bead knitting project.  I am working on a pineapple bag if you can believe that.  I bought those skeins of variegated perle cotton years ago on clearance and I'll admit it is kind of a pukey yellow/green colorway.  I got them for 52c each though and stash karma has come through once again!  It took a few years but the perfect project finally did present itself.  I made a lot of progress and will totally finish it before the fairs this summer!

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