Monday, November 26, 2018

Giving Thanks

I am so thankful for this little munchkin!  I baked and sold some sugar cookies this month for a little extra pocket money.  What was I thinking?!  Baking and frosting sugar cookies is always tedious and time consuming and even more so when you have a 7 month old to keep entertained.  He really was pretty good though.  He loves playing with an old set of measuring spoons.  Maybe he'll grow up to be a baker man because I'm going to teach him everything I know about baking!  I used to pipe Dave's name onto cookies when we were still dating but now I'm piping my son's name.
Here is an actual cold weather action shot of him in his car seat with his hat and idiot string mittens.  He has such beautiful blue eyes!
A huge sack of potatoes is a joy forever.  Dave's sister Barb got us this 50 pound sack of russet potatoes and we'll eat them all winter in various forms.  Peasant food is some of the best food.
I finally finished his Tadpole sweater.  This is a free pattern and so user friendly and well written.  The verbiage is idiot-proof and very good for beginner sweater knitters because you're never in any doubt what to do. 
I used maybe one and a quarter skeins of Leading Men Fiber Arts fingering weight in Blue Steel.  I have more than enough left over for a pair of gloves for me some day...when I'm 65 and have some free time.  I soaked it for blocking in my Martha Blue enamel splatterware basin.  Yes that is snow in the picture.  We had some to look at the week before Thanksgiving but it is long gone now.
I just love this sweater and the color.  It's a shame he will outgrow it, and soon.  I made it longer than called for and the triangle pattern is little more than a glorified rib so there is some room for him to grow.  He wore this on Thanksgiving Day when we went to Dave's sister for dinner. 
He wore this underneath it!  My dear friends Melissa and Brenda came to stay last weekend and Melissa brought her Cricut machine.  Where has that been all my life?  I was finally able to make a "Bucky Is Yucky" onesie in time for the Minnesota/Wisconsin football game for Dave.  For myself, I made this "Mama Is A Yarn Ho" version!  Knitty used to have a dog shirt with this on it and I never forgot it.  If I can find a dog shirt to fit Lopi, I'll make one for her too!
Here we all are that weekend.  I can remember when Melissa's daughter was Marek's age.  She says all the time she grows like a weed.  I finally understand what she means!  Every single day it seems we have a new and different kid because he is constantly learning and changing.  It is a miracle and a joy to watch.
Here is our family picture we took that same day.  I'm just sad Lopi isn't in the picture.  It is still a bit much to wrangle the baby and dog at the same time for a picture and the light was fading fast.  We'll have to try again the next time we have company over.  I am thankful for my family and dear friends!

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