Monday, May 28, 2018

Spring Mixing

I spent last week mixing, shaping and freezing dozens of scones.  They really aren't that much work, no more than a glorified biscuit, but it's so convenient to just pull them out of the freezer and bake for a delightful bite with coffee.
The first chives of the year are up and I got a bunch of bacon with coupons and on sale so bacon cheddar chive scones were the natural result.  I love the colors of the ingredients!
My father in law really likes these so I always send a batch for their freezer and a rainy day.
I've been eating a lot of sweet potatoes in an effort to beef up my milk supply and couldn't resist throwing some chives in.  Again I love the colors!
I've used a recipe for cinnamon smear scones that involved grinding butterscotch chips into a paste and kneading/marbling it into a basic scone dough.  It always seemed like an awful lot of work and then I got the idea to use some Cinnamon Roll Filling Mix mixed into a paste.  I used the cream tea scone recipe, worked the cinnamon paste in and it was a hit.  I took a dozen of these home to my parents' house this weekend while my sister and her kids were visiting.  I also took a dozen cream scones and a half dozen of the bacon cheddar chive.  Breakfast was tasty and effortless.  All we had to do was make coffee!
Last weekend my brother and his family came to stay and we girls enjoyed a cream tea to celebrate the royal wedding.  My older niece baked a London fog tart and my younger niece made a tray of cucumber sandwiches.  We also had scones, jam and a selection of teas.  We are rooting for Harry and Meghan and it was fun to get out the dishes and use them.  These belonged to my grandparents.
Mother Nature provided us with natural wedding decorations.  Our ornamental apple tree in the front yard was blooming and dripping petals all over the lawn.  It looked like confetti in the breeze!  And as usual, we had about 25 minutes of spring weather before getting slammed with the summer heat.  I've just about got the garden in and then all I have to do is tend it and pick it.  I was ridiculously lazy with the garden last summer but I was pregnant and exhausted all the time.  I'm looking forward to being more productive this season but I'll be depending on M to nap so I can get out there!

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