Saturday, November 11, 2017

Complete Radio Silence

I've been busy.  This is my latest knitting project which was a bit of a black hole.  The yarn is a gorgeous hand dyed superwash sock yarn from Knitting Notions.  I bought it at the fiber festival last year with this project in mind.

This pattern came from the little book, "Kelbourne Woolens Baby Collection," that was purchased on our last trip to Reno.  It was knit on size 3 needles from the center out and features mitered corners, a picot border and a knit hem finish.  If I'd been thinking, I would have taken pictures of the hemming process.  I was so daunted by the instructions but when it came down to it, it was quite simple and made such a neat and finished edge.
I swear the colors are a yuck yellow and and gray/slate blue but under yellow light bulbs, it looks purple.  Several people have remarked it is a Viking blanket which I don't like because I detest football.
It knits up into a lump and required blocking.  I hadn't gotten the blocking bucket out in a long time.
This was the was the first time I'd used my blocking wires that Dave gave me for Christmas last year.  They made for slick and quick blocking.  My entire knitting career, people have remarked about a baby item and the hours that go into it and how one puke or poop will do a major number on that knitting.  This is all brought into sharp relief lately because...
...Dave and I are 21 weeks pregnant with a little boy!  We've been counting the days and weeks and saving our pennies and watching the fliers for baby items on sale.  We're blessed to have such wonderful families and they are joyfully giving us their used baby stuff left and right.  The prospect of the next 18 years is terrifying but thrilling too.  My theoretical baby stash has finally become a real baby stash.  I've hoarded Peter Rabbit fabric since I was in high school and it will be made into curtains and bedding for the baby's room.  So much to do!  I've been very lucky in that I have never been sick or "felt" pregnant--other than being very tired all the time.  I'm trying to eat healthy and nutritious foods and have lost 8 pounds since finding out.  If it hadn't been for seeing the baby on the ultrasound with my own eyes, I'd have said this was all an elaborate hoax.  This week I have felt the first baby movements, or rather I've realized that is what they were because hitherto I was convinced it was gas!  My only real complaint is that I can't take two of my migraine meds but things haven't been too bad.  We are both just marveling at the miracle of new life.
And since all roads lead to knitting...this is my pathetic Socktober progress!  I went to Norway with my Dad and sister for a week at the end of October and brought this with and didn't knit a single stitch.  My traveling days are officially over for the next 18 years and I think it was so fitting that my last trip was a trip back home to Norway and I got to bring my son along!  :)  I'll share more about my trip soon.  We had a wonderful time together and a fabulous trip.

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