Sunday, October 16, 2016

Strike Sweater

Not stripe sweater, as the photo would imply, but strike sweater because it was finished during the nursing strike.  Dave and I weathered the second strike that began on Labor Day.  We were fine in the end albeit a little anxious because it was open ended and not knowing when exactly it would end was unnerving.  I started saving money this spring so we had something to live off of while I wasn't working and we just tightened our belts and stayed put all summer.  I'm not going to lie and say this hasn't ruined my summer because we didn't get to go anywhere or do anything substantial.  The objective was always to save money and/or avoid expense.  Tomorrow I go back to my first shift and I can't wait to be a wage earner again!  I'm sure the mood will be interesting.
When I wasn't picketing, I got a lot done around the house, including finishing my blue sweater!  I knit a red version of this for my sister a couple years ago.  It took me days to sew it together because I just didn't want to keep at it and finish it.  I still need to sew the buttons on but I want to see if I have enough matching Maynerd buttons to complete the project.
I also painted my entire upstairs living room, hallway, kitchen, entryway and foyer as well as my bedroom.  We'd bought the paint and poles a few months back when I was still working and Menards was having a rebate sale.  I knew I'd have time during the strike to do the labor and it looks beautiful.  I'll post pictures of that later.  Meanwhile, here is the back of the sweater.
Here is an outtake pose for the back of the sweater.
I also cooked and baked an awful lot during the strike because I made everything from scratch to get by cheaply.  We really didn't have to buy a lot of food during this whole thing, literally like dairy and a few veggies because we were still eating out of the garden.  I have become a coupon fanatic and stocked up for this for months.  I have a freezer full of meat and a pantry full of pasta, grains and baking staples.  In a way, I enjoyed the challenge of devising a dish using up any inventory that was going to ripen or expire and then freezing and later incorporating leftovers into new dishes.  Dave got a little spoiled because I'd have a fresh baked after school snack waiting for him most days.  Here is today's apple pie I was particularly proud of.
I also fried up 3 of my eggplants today.  I have two more that are still rock hard so I'll let them sit on the counter for a few more days before I do anything with them.  I can eat these rounds like most people eat cookies.  Num num!

This isn't a place I really want to discuss the strike.  On the whole I'm disappointed it came to this and with how it all turned out.  I am glad to be heading back to the bedside tomorrow.  I've also been very humbled by the whole experience.  This made me realize how truly fortunate and blessed I am and how much I take for granted and it wouldn't hurt at all to slow down and live a little simpler all the time.  We can all manage our resources better but we get caught up in convenience and leisure.  Tonight I am thankful for my family and all that I have.
Enough said!

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