Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I had smallpox last week so I spent the time pushing my right tonsil back in and knitting.  My cousin is having a baby boy sometime this month I think so I had to get busy making a boy gift for him.  I had been eyeing this sweater for a while and dug around in my stash looking for something appropriate.  This is some llama yarn which I though was quite appropriate because I remember Christine used to love that Sesame Street song Me and My Llama.
 I was so excited to use my new teapot I picked up at Salisbury Cathedral and my new ration book mug from Bletchley Park.  I have the vest portion of the sweater finished and pieced as well as one of the sleeves.  I just have to knit the other sleeve and then sew them both on so hopefully I'll have it finished on Thursday.  And I'll have enough yarn to knit another for my eventual baby wardrobe.  I love the overlapped shoulder styling of this sweater and with this color of yarn, it reminds me of military sweaters or fatigues.
Dave bought me this plastic storage tub when we were at Target the other day as an impromptu birthday gift.  My big gift is going to Jimmy Beans Wool when we're in Reno later in the month but this is just awesome because the plastic is molded as knitting!  It might also have been a hint to put my knitting crap in here instead of leaving it all over the couch when I'm done for the day, but still I'll take it!
A week and a half ago we had such sunny but cool weather which may have done me in as far as my tonsils go.  We took the dogs on lots of walks and did a lot of yard work.  I dressed appropriately though and even wore my new hat!  I finished my Stephen West Windschief hat using some Malabrigo I got on our last trip to Fargo.  I have enough to knit a matching pair of gloves and I think I'll knit them as my Reno knitting project.  You can't really see the colors in this photo but they are vibrant and varied.
Here is a crappy picture of my hall plants.  I re potted my umbrella tree and my mini palm.  I keep thinking I need to have children so I can lavish my attention on something other than my house trees!  I am so proud of them!  I have also become a fool for Homegoods because I got both of those pots there.
It is just Wild Kingdom around here because I saw these Tom Turkeys near our house.  I took the picture moments too late because they'd been magnificently puffed up and looking like a Thanksgiving card.  They deflated and then led about 18 females across the road.
We also have a resident woodchuck in our pond, or at least we think he's a woodchuck.  I just love the coming spring season and watching all our neighborhood critters.

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