Sunday, August 23, 2015


We had some thunder, lightening and rain last night but nothing too bad.  Today is glorious and cool, almost chilly.  I wore my long lounge pants around the house and actually closed all the windows and lit a candle.  It was a lovely day to bake so I made a loaf of chocolate zucchini bread and a loaf of French bread.  I picked everything out of the garden that was ready...including the first eggplant!  There were 4 tomatoes that needed to be used up so I dinked around in the kitchen all afternoon and made a fresh marinara sauce to go with the breaded and fried aubergine.  I used my new Greek seasonings and just swooned as I ate it.  Self control was exercised because I ate only half of it so I can have the rest for lunch tomorrow.  I'm going to poach some eggs in the leftover sauce and make toast from the French bread for Eggs In Purgatory.  Num NUM.  I've been so busy and anxious lately with the new job and it felt so good to just play in the kitchen for an afternoon.

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