Tuesday, July 14, 2015


 When my parents were here, we all attended the 11:00 service at Mindekirken.  It also happens to be the service conducted in Norwegian.  I haven't seen my dad that excited since we drove to Decorah to see Kong Olav in 1987. 
The church itself is not far off I-94 so I think even I could drive myself with my Garmin.  I haven't seen that much rosemaling, hardanger, klostersomm or photos of the Norwegian royal family in one place for a long time.  It was utterly refreshing to hear Norwegian candidly spoken throughout the church.  We met the pastor before services and visited with several parishioners, many of whom were native speakers.  We enjoyed the service which included music from Grieg and Scott Joplin.  We stayed for coffee afterwards and visited with more churchgoers and some visiting native Norwegians.  In Iowa it is guaranteed the reigning King will always visit Luther College and the Vesterheim, but in Minnesota, he will always visit Mindekirken.
 After services and lunch, we ventured over to Norway House which is a new cultural center on the same block as Mindekirken.  The traveling exhibit is festdrakter-not to be confused with bunads-by Lise Skjak Braek.
 These are not bunads.  Let there be no mistake about that.  They are beautiful dresses based on bunad design but are not in fact folkedrakt.
 I was excited to see the exhibit because I bought a book of hers years ago on Ebay, "Brud I Tiden". 
The exhibit also featured paintings by Anne Langsholt Apaydinli.  They also featured dresses based on bunads and were colorful and surreal.
All the dresses were available for sale.

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