Thursday, June 18, 2015

 I've always wanted a lilac bush in my yard.  Next year I am going to bake cookies and knock on my neighbor's door to barter lilacs for cookies.  In the meantime, I am making due with our glorious shrub rose bush in the front garden.  It started blooming this week and the scent wafts through the front windows and stops you in your tracks. 
And Houston...we have pea pods!!!  We planted peas in a different area of the garden.  In last year's spot, they sprouted, waved a little white flag and shriveled up.  I don't know if they like this new area better or if we improved our soil.  Last fall we emptied all the garden containers into the soil and added grass clippings and all the leftover potting soil.  Whatever it was, I am thrilled with things so far.  We had an earlier start this year too because Dave's bowling field trip was a month earlier.  We're also going to get a great raspberry yield I think.  Last year we didn't get any because Lopi chewed off all the branches in the spring.  Since then we've been pushing them through the fence as they've developed so she can't get to them.  I water every day and am eagerly awaiting the first berries!

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