Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nuthin' says lovin'...

...like an electric ball winder! 
 Here is a dark picture of my yarn swift and my electric ball winder.  This was Dave's Valentine gift to me when we were dating!  Actually he gave me a Joann's gift card and this is what I used it for.  Skeined yarn needs to be wound into a ball before it can be knitted.  If it is a small skein, I can hold it on my knees or usually talk Dave into holding it on his hands while I wind it with my hand crank winder.  I put large or fuzzy/grippy skeins on my swift.  If they unwind nicely, I use my hand crank winder but if I have to untangle and separate while winding, I use my electric one and feed the yarn.
I'm currently on ball 3 of my Zen Yarn Garden for my Crocus Blanket.  Each skein has 400+ yard but it looks like so much more once it's wound into a ball!

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