Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dog Shaming

Lopi was a very bad dog yesterday.  I walked in the house after work and Dave had put the new Joann Fabrics sale flyer in front of the door so I had something pleasant to temper the bad news he had for me:  Lopi had chewed up and wrecked my digital camera!!!  Until recently, we always kenneled her for the hour between me leaving for work and him returning from work and I always felt bad locking her up like that.  We slowly began shutting her in downstairs in the living room after "dog proofing" the area and she's been so good.  She's spent up to 8 hours at a time alone down there with no problems but I guess she just had to remind us again that she is a dog and we need to be better dog parents.  I always put away my knitting and any pens (she chewed up a Harry Potter wooden pencil too yesterday!) but now I guess everything will have to be put in a basket and put up while we're gone.  I don't understand what was so appealing about that camera that she felt she needed to chew it up.  AND I'd even filled her Kong with treats before I left the house!  Bad dog!
She knew she was in trouble too because she was skittish and darting around and not making eye contact even when I got home hours later.  She'd chewed the strap and zoom/shutter control off the camera and chewed up the body a little.  You can still turn it on and toggle through the pictures but you can't take any pictures.  Not a lot of damage but enough to render it useless.  Lucky for her, Target has this very model on clearance this week and I just ran out and bought the display model--the last one left--to replace it.  I am picky about my cameras because I don't trust one with a rechargeable battery.  I'm always afraid I will run out of juice and I like knowing I have lithium batteries in my purse.  This is another reminder that children, whether 4 legged or 2, will eventually destroy all your nice things and I really like my stuff.  I think children with opposable thumbs can wreck more stuff! 

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