Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wintry Mix

I love my dog.  I love her so very much!  I know I fuss over her more than I should and my dad is constantly saying, "You need to have children."  I baked doggie treats for her from a book I bought at Saver's with seasonal/monthly recipes and it even came with it's own treat cutter!  The treats are quite bland but that is OK for dogs.  They don't need extra salt or fat, etc.  I tasted them myself and would eat them if I were starving to death but she really likes them.  Maybe it is the idea of it being people food.  Who knows. There is a recipe that contains peanut butter and I will try that one next.  I think it would be a nice gesture to bake a bunch of these and deliver them to all the neighbor dogs we see on our walks.  We know more neighbors by their dogs.
 I really liked this particular recipe because it used up some canned pumpkin I had leftover from baking a pumpkin roll cake for Thanksgiving.

1/2 c. canned pumpkin                  1/2 c. water                 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. cinnamon                          1/2 tsp.  nutmeg          1/2 c. oatmeal
2 c. whole wheat flour

Preheat oven to 375.  Combine pumpkin, water, oil, cinnamon and nutmeg in a bowl.  Stir well.  Gradually add oatmeal and flour.  Form a dough.  Roll dough to 1/4 inch thickness and cut with cookie cutter.  Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 40 minutes.  Makes 4 dozen.
I woke up yesterday and found all the trees and fences and surfaces covered in hoar frost!
 Gorgeous winter accoutrements!
 I finished Erik's knitted vest 4 days ago and it has been blocking on the floor of  my sewing room.  The buttons were sewn on tonight and then was wrapped up with his vehicle and sign gift and is waiting under the Christmas tree.  I believed I was on the verge of finishing this on the last days of November to count towards my NaKniSweMo challenge (since I  kind of putzed out with my sweater dress I knit for my niece) but the finishing was much more involved than I thought it would be.  The vest edges were knit and then stitched under and then the 5 i-cord loops were knit and then sewn on.  Still I am pleased with the way it turned out, especially since I bought the yarn a few years ago on clearance when I still lived in Mason City.  I got 5 skeins and was thrilled to bust through 2.5 of them for this project.  I got the buttons on a buy one get one sale at Joann's earlier this month.  I finished this project while watching my new DVD copy of Schindler's List.  I owned a VHS copy years ago but never updated after moving to Minnesota and recognized several locations used in the film that we visited on our trip!  I bought a copy for Dave to give to my mother because he drew her name in the gift exchange.  I couldn't wait to tell her I recognized things and I was afraid if I did, she'd run out and buy a copy of her own so I already spoiled her Christmas gift and told her!

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