Saturday, November 22, 2014

It's Beginning To Smell A Lot Like Christmas...

 Saturday morning baking for my night shift.  I don't think I've baked ginger cookies since last winter and I can't look at the dough at this stage and not think about Chef's chocolate salty balls.  Ha!
 I broke the laws of nature earlier this week and put up the tree before Thanksgiving.  I was hoping to get a really good deal on a grown up big girl tree at Joann's between my coupons and the sales but was let down.  All the ones I looked at between Michael's and Joann's were like $350ish and up and were all pre-lit trees.  So I just put up our little tree and covered it with 6 or 7 strands of lights and as many ornaments as I could cram onto it.
 I've always been a firm believer that busy is better and it certainly is a busy tree!  They say that for every Christmas light lit before Thanksgiving, a reindeer somewhere dies so I feel a bit guilty but I do love having the tree up!
 Even my kitchen towels are festive!

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