Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fair Finishes

This week is the Ramsey County Fair and I finished up a couple more things to enter.

This is a Christmas tam knit from some Patons Classic DK.  I'd seen the pattern last winter in Simply Knitting and finally got around to knitting it.  There are holly leaves around the ribbing but you really can't see them and I think I should have used a darker green.  This was blocked on a dinner plate which I had never done but is the typical way to block a tam.
I knit these a while ago from a recycled cotton/silk blend and I knit them to keep for myself.  No I am not pregnant but I am feeling the need to start hoarding baby knitting for myself because I know I will never have enough time once we decide to start having kids.  This is a darling Erika Knight pattern I've knit before.  The ribbon used is a length of Sajou purchased at Liberty in London.  This way I got to use the ribbon without CUTTING it!
I kicked out another one of these for my dear friend Melissa but am borrowing it to enter in the fairs this year.  I also knit a toddler dress for her daughter but I will be hanging on to that until after fair season.  Melissa generously lent me the sweater I knit for Serenity last year to enter this year.  I was on call last night so Dave and I slipped off to the fair to see how I did and Serenity's sweater won the grand champion in the knitting class!  I entered 13 total items.  My Noro scarf didn't place at all and I got a white ribbon on my damask Christmas runner that I entered as a total afterthought but I got blues on everything else including my quilt!  The Washington County Fair starts on July 30th and I'm finishing up a few more things to show there. 

1 comment:

Jill said...

congratulations on your ribbons at the fair!! How exciting for you with your great exhibits!!!

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