Saturday, June 07, 2014

Saturday Ritual

Tonight is another working Saturday so I baked treats to take along.  I worked evenings yesterday, slept last night and got up this morning and dinked around.  I usually lay down for a nap around 1300 and then report to work at 1900 and that first night is always the worst.  By 0300 you're fighting to stay awake and drinking pop and coffee and get almost nauseous from being so tired.  Some oatmeal fortified chocolate chip cookies will keep us energized and moving tonight.  Tomorrow I will crawl home and sleep like a baby.  My Sunday nights always go so much better.
 As usual my little helper stayed close to the kitchen in the eternal hopes that I would accidentally drop some food.  She is such good company!  Such a pretty Lopi dog!  MPTV is having pledge drive so I didn't get to watch my regular Saturday morning treat shows but USA is having an Indiana Jones marathon!  Yesssssss!!!
I started knitting these socks in Reno while watching Dave bowl.  I'd knit a pair of these for John a few years ago after he deployed.  They are "Soldier Socks" but we called them "Sailor Socks" in his case.  These are for no one in particular (but they'll probably go to  my sister in law because she is just as much a sailor as John for holding down the fort while he was gone!) but I wanted to enter them in the fair this year.  As soon as the weather warms up, I start getting eager for the fair!  I have so many things lined up to knit and I have most of next week off to get some serious knitting done.  Dave is done with school for a week before summer school and we might go fishing one of those days.  He can fish and I can knit!

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