Thursday, February 06, 2014

Olympic Swatching

 I am gearing up for the Knitting Olympics and did a little swatching yesterday.  I plan to knit Ditto out of some dark gray Patons Classic Wool that I already had in the stash.  I will use a size 5 and 7 needle to achieve the proper gauge.  I thought the Olympics started today on the 6th and put some serious thought into cheating a little.  I work tonight and my entire family is coming tomorrow for our family Christmas (FINALLY!) so I will be a little busy the next few days.  Since the Olympics are in Russia, I thought surely they are already competing because of the time difference.  Sadly I just confirmed that the opening ceremonies will not be broadcast until tomorrow night and you can't start until then.  Shoot.
Here is a picture I took on my cell phone in the grocery store yesterday!  I know I am easily amused but I just love it when they build things out of pop for the seasonal displays!  I will have to dig to find it but I have a much classier picture of the Olympic rings mounted on London Bridge from our trip two years ago.  Enjoy the games!

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