Saturday, June 15, 2013

One last photo

 I am very  happy to say that we are MOVING!  I can not wait to be done!  It has been a slow but steady process between shifts and Dave's handy sister and brother in law have been so generous with their time.  The next time I post pictures, it will be from the deck of our house.
 I wanted to knit another Shedir hat with a sold color yarn and larger needles.  I was quite pleased with it even though it was a pain in the butt to knit.
Oh, and we got a dog.  WE GOT A DOG!  What were we thinking?!?  We are already living like refugees as we move and we thought it would be a good idea to get a dog that needs close supervision!  She is a beautiful 7 month old terrier mix and very well mannered but she is still a bit of a puppy and needs to be watched closely.  I feel sorry for her too though because her first 4 days with us were spent in this apartment and she probably has no idea what is going on.  We kind of accidentally got her because we went to the Humane Society on Wednesday "just to look" and ended up bringing her home.  We named her Lopi.  Dave was the one to suggest a yarn related name.  Have I mentioned lately that I love him?

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