Monday, January 21, 2013

Cold Snap

It has been a bit cold here in Minnesota of late.  Dave picked me up from work this morning and the bank sign said -11.  Our efficiency apartment has heated pipe radiator-type heating and we use 2 small space heaters to zone heat the living room and bedroom.  Our balcony door has been frozen for days and here is a skanky up close picture of the frosted/iced over door frame.  COLD.

We took a small break from our diet to enjoy some cold weather comfort food.  It had warmed up to -2 this afternoon (heat wave!) while we were out and about and we picked up two 28 oz. cans of whole canned tomatoes for roasted tomato soup.  I first saw this recipe years ago on America's Test Kitchen and took detailed notes to make it again.  It is the most velvety tomato soup you've ever tasted and I now add 1/4 tsp or so of red pepper flakes when cooking the onions to add a little more heat to the dish.  Nothing comforts you on a butt cold day like a piping hot bowl of soup.  We made Jarlsberg grilled cheese sandwiches to go with them.  The best thing about this soup is that you roast the tomatoes in a 450 degree oven so the kitchen and house is warmed up while you cook.  Bring it on Mother Nature.

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