Saturday, September 08, 2012

Wedding Details

 We are at less than 2 weeks and counting!  I can't believe it!
I've been finishing up little things here and there and making phone calls and this and that.  I "made" our guest book last week.  This is a plain Michael's guest book that was $3.99 on clearance which is exactly what I wanted!  I used stitch witchery to secure some Czech ribbon around the front cover.  I also dug out my stereoscope card of a Hardanger wedding.  I will display this on a little stand near the guest book.  I am also borrowing my Grandma Helen's bride's knife.  We are serving cupcakes for our reception but I baked a 6 inch red velvet cake for us to cut in our picture.

I wrapped a cardboard box in rosemaled wrapping paper that my mother got for me at Vanberia's in Decorah.  This will be for the cards we receive.

And of course you have to have a garter to wear and be removed at the reception and one to throw so I've been fussing and working on these. 

My sister asked me to make some binky bling for my little niece.  I was very pleased with the way this turned out and it was all stuff I already had in my findings box.  I used dental floss to string it so she couldn't pull it apart and put it in her mouth.

For the most part I think I have things under control and this wedding is going to happen.  I am doing some test baking this weekend for favors and the kransekake.  But otherwise, I think things are squared away.  Wish us luck!

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