Friday, July 27, 2012

Adventures In Knitting

 One of my prizes from the fair was a $25 gift card from 3 Kittens Needle Arts so Dave drove me over there this weekend to spend it.  What a fabulous store!  One whole section of the store was devoted to tapestry, cross stitch and needlepoint supplies.

 They stocked a large selection of different yarns and weights, plenty of books and patterns and probably the largest and most well organized selection of knitting needles I'd ever seen.
 On the upper right of this photo, you see all the Cascade 220.
They stocked plenty of Dale of Norway, Jamieson and Smith, Noro, etc.  I didn't see any Lopi but I was also in a bit of a hurry because Dave was good enough to drive me and he was patiently waiting.  I could have wandered around in there for hours looking at and touching all the yarn.
They didn't stock any Koigu but I found quite a few awesome substitutes.  I have fallen in love with Madelinetosh yarns and got 2 skeins, as well as a skein of Koigu-like Hazel Knits, and 2 skeins of very Koigu-like Claudia Hand Painted in the 50% off bin!  I got a set of size 00 needles for bead knitting.  They stocked size 000000 (!!!) dpn and I had never seen any smaller than 0000.
We also went fishing last weekend and I brought my knitting on the boat.  I did fish for a while but I feel bad sometimes because poor Dave baits my hook and takes the fish off for me and he doesn't get a lot of fishing done himself.  I spent some of the time knitting and it was a great afternoon.  I'll admit I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to handling the fish.  I couldn't even put my thumb in the fish's mouth to hold it up for a picture and not because I thought it was gross.  Believe me, as a nurse I've had my fingers and hands in some nasty things!  The fish were just so wiggly and strong and they'd scare me and I kept dropping them.

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