Thursday, April 26, 2012

Husfliden Jente

I have enjoyed the last 3 days off.  My parents came home from Budapest and spent one night with us and the next two days were spent working on things I'd been meaning to get to for a while.  I hadn't spun since I don't know when.  

I got this 8 oz. roving of blue faced leicester wool almost 2 years ago in Decorah at The Blue Heron.  I sat out on our little veranda for two evenings and spun a two ply worsted yarn and got about 200 yards or so.

I'd baked a loaf of cottage bread the night before and had it for lunch spread with butter, strawberry jam and geitost!  :)  Utter heaven!

Here is the finished yarn.  Of course I don't know what I'm going to use it for yet, but I'm enjoying looking at it!

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