Friday, February 10, 2012

DIY Detergent

I have wanted to try making detergent for a long time. The ingredients are cheap and not too hard to find. The borax and Fels-Naptha was found in the laundry aisle of our grocery store but I had a little more trouble finding the washing soda. In the end we found it in our hometown grocery store. You can also order all this stuff but I didn't want to pay for shipping. I also used a vial of my precious hoarded Sun's Eye lily of the valley scented oil to scent the detergent.

I used this recipe which makes over 2 gallons (!) and I suggest saving a few empty milk jugs or 2 liter pop bottles to store it in. The boxes of borax and washing soda will make several batches because you only use 1/2 cup each per batch. The Fels-Naptha will make 3 batches per bar.

The Fels-Naptha did have some soapy fragrance to it but I have to admit I love detergents that scent your laundry. The recipe does say that you can add 1/2 - 1 ounce of fragrance to each batch. I had been saving that fragrance oil and doling it out for bath bombs but I threw the entire thing in the batch. After I did it, I worried that maybe the oil would actually stain the laundry but thankfully that was not the case. Then I worried that it might be too flowery and strong for Dave's clothes but the laundry came out pretty close to unscented so it really was a waste of that oil. Next time I will try some of my soap scents. That fragrance might take a little better since they are designed to scent soap.

I love making things for the first time and they do what they're supposed to do! The detergent gels and thickens as it cools and becomes this lovely custard-y mixture. The detergent itself smelled so good and I'm just sorry the scent didn't last.

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