Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Dave and I have really enjoyed watching the seasons change along the little trail near my apartment. It is such a pleasant little walk through a wooded area alongside a creek. Apparently they don't say "crick" in Minnesota.

The path curves in places and trees lean inward. I always think of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and imagine the headless horseman tearing through here.

We spotted this owl a time or two, once with another owl. You always encounter other walkers and their many dogs. There are also countless squirrels, ducks and birds along the way.

We starting making a habit of these walks back in March when the ground was finally thawed and not soggy. Slowly all the lush greenery grew back in and the animals came out. Summer broiled and was buggy and finally it is cool and dry again and the colors have changed. It was almost like having a garden because every time we'd note the changes in the foliage.

And two days ago we were walking along and saw this!

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