Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar Night

Melissa and I spent the day running around together. We went to visit The Supercolon at the hospital just to say we'd seen it. I have to laugh because we both walked out of there and remarked that it wasn't as big as we thought it'd be. We headed over to the mall and did a little shopping before going to see Atonement.

We painted eggs last night which means I had to do some MAJOR championship cleaning to prepare for that. I worked all this last week and this picture of my sink proves that I've been eating nothing but cereal. Oh how I love cool, soothing tones of blue...and then that awful RED spatula has to throw everything off. And yes I individually wash and dry all my eggs, don't you? These are a dozen jumbo sized eggs that I scrutinized for hairline cracks in the store. All the other customers must have thought I have OCD. I rinsed them in some vinegar and water before we began painting. We mixed up 7 new colors last night, including a yellow that actually shows up as yellow! We had take and bake pizza for supper and then enjoyed the Oscars while working.

I forgot to take a picture of Melissa's eggs before she left. I think we were both a little tired by the time we started painting so we only made a few each. I have all kinds of ideas I'd like to try with the new colors. We got rid of the glass jars and put each color in an empty plastic pop bottle which worked REALLY well. The box is still sitting out there on the table and I'm tempted to work on a few more...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

The polka dot egg is super cute!

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