Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

My hometown held it's 60th annual town doings for Labor Day this year. I went home and spent a nice weekend with just my parents and my sister. This is the first time in several years that I've not had to work ON the day or that night, so it was nice to be at home. All the flags were out on main street and it is such a hometown celebration. It is always neat to drive uptown because there is so much activity and EVERYONE is home! :)
I also made a lot of progress on my sweater. I have almost finished the right front panel. In this picture I have just put in the pocket lining and have the pocket stitches on a holder for later. Of course I FORGOT the back panel at my parents' house, but I'm in no danger of finishing the rest of it anytime soon! I am so pleased with the way it is knitting up! This will give me courage to start my Shetland sweater, dreaded steeks and all, when this one is finished! I'm getting excited because I want to WEAR it this year!

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