Thursday, August 16, 2007

Just in case...

My friend DeeDee and her mother are big into the local farmers' markets and travel all over selling their produce. They have both been very encouraging when it comes to promoting things I make. I am never organized enough to have any sort of project inventory ready when local craft fairs and the like are in full swing, but I had the idea to whip up a few Avoskas to sell in their stall. An Avoska is a Russian string bag so named because a Soviet comedian once called it such in his routine and the name stuck. Avoska literally means "just in case" in Russian and they're commonly carried in case an opportunity to buy consumer goods arises and you have something to carry it home in. These were knit on US size 15 circular needles with a worsted weight 100% cotton (think dishcloths) yarn in a simple eyelet pattern. They stretch out nicely and will hold a lot. I remember we had a navy blue one growing up and we'd carry our towels and swimming suits to the babysitter's house in it. So far there has been interest in them but no takers. The yarn costs $3 for each bag and they take 2-3 hours to knit. I'm asking $15 for each one which still doesn't make it worth the time and materials, but we'll see. If they don't sell, my girlfriends and sisters and mother will get a new Avoska!

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