Saturday, May 05, 2007

Tartan Temari

We forced Melissa to come to Temari night last night! She and her husband were in charge of the catering (Hardees and Wendy's! Num Num!) and once we'd each had sustenance, we began work on a new Temari. She wrapped her ball in black sewing thread and learned how to measure her ball and plot her lines. This ball is only divided into 4ths so you can really see the thread 'ribbons' against the black. She has also gone through the idea books and has found a few stitched patterns that she likes so we will try those next time. I do know one thing though, soon we'll have to get together to have just a Mari dummy making party because I'm quickly running out of finished bases!

Here is the Temari I finished last night. It is wrapped in a chocolate brown sewing thread, and then I divided it into 4ths to show Melissa how to do hers. I chose some really bland yet stunning martha blues and greens and then did a simple wrapped design but did one strand of color at a time for a woven look. I think it looks more like a plaid Temari though! Oh well. I am going to lie down for one hour and then go to Hobby Lobby to see what their metallic thread and perle cotton inventory has to offer!

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