Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Jessica's Baby

There is a gal on my floor who is pregnant and due in June. I got to visiting with her the other day and was asking if she knew if it was a boy or a girl and she didn't know. At that moment I slipped into a parallel dimension because I could still hear her talking and everything but all I could think of was this ball of yellow and very unisex cotton yarn and this pattern from Mason Dixon Knitting. It was a really simple pattern but I got to about 4 rows before I had to cast off and ran...out...of...yarn. Blast. So I already screwed up April (Use What You Have Month) and went to Hobby Lobby to get another ball of yarn to finish the project. I couldn't find a pattern for a hat and just made one up. I'll use the remainder to make a bib from Mason Dixon Knitting. I really liked the ribbon for the tie closure. I'm going to give this to her the next time I see her!
Baby Hat-Using Bernat Cottontots Worsted Cotton Yarn
CO 45 st. onto 3 dpn's, size 8. K in ss til work measures 3". *K2tog, k3* repeat from * 8 times. K one round. *K2tog, k2*, repeat 8 times. K one round. *K2tog, k1*, repeat 8 times. K one round. K2tog 9 times. Pull tail through all stitches and break yarn.

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