Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tres Chic!

Ok, ok, so I started a new project. Hard to believe, eh? I ran across this Le' Slouch pattern online, was instantly enamored of it and spent the next 12 hours racking my brain taking mental inventory of any worsted weight in my stash. I remembered I had 2 skeins of Colinette Prism just WAITING to be made into something fabulous. I was a bit nervous because the pattern called for 200 yards of yarn and each skein had about 120 meters. I thought for sure I'd have a dreaded runt of a ball left over for the scrap heap, but I finished this hat in under one skein AND under 24 hours! I still have one skein left if someone I know wants a hat like this. I also have that skein of Mango Moon I bought not too long ago and maybe that would make a cute hat for someone! I really like this pattern and I've been thinking about making a hat for my niece from the yarn left over from her sweater. I couldn't follow the matching beret pattern to save my life, but this hat looks like it is shaped similarly and it would not be at all difficult to put some cable panels in amongst the seed stitch!

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