Saturday, March 03, 2007

Oh, and did I mention...

...that it is flipping WINTER?!? The entire state quite literally shut down towards the end of the week AND I got my car stuck in my own driveway TWICE in as many days. But the sun shone today and things are up and running again. I do like winter, but I don't like being shackled by it! I stayed in all last night, not by my own volition, but because I literally could not get out! But as long as the Earl Grey holds out (I did run out of milk for it though!) and the heating pad on my chair functions and a smelly candle is burning nearby and a pile of knitting sits in my lap, I can weather any storm! I am thankful that we never lost power like the hundreds in the area who did. I remember losing power in the winter all the time as a kid but it just seems so much more serious if it happens nowadays. I can remember being stranded with my friend's family on our way home from sledding and we invaded the home of a relative of theirs in Ventura. We got into her cedar chest and sat around a card table with blankies wearing crocheted slippers and old sweaters and playing go fish all afternoon while we waited for power. Back then it was just accepted that winter could be cruddy and you would lose power every now and again. We haven't had to worry about that for a long time it seems.
And here is the Kitty Pi and it's new owner! He chewed on it at first and played with it and rolled around with it a bit, but he wasn't in the mood for sleeping. I hope to get a report that he was found curled up in it!

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