Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Day: The Revenge

My prayers were answered and I was flexed tonight...but after 2300. I walked home and nearly froze my bum off, sat and enjoyed The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, did some knitting, and got around to making those Valentine bath bombs. I made a triple batch from Not Martha's recipe and got 9 hearts, 1 round, and 1 runt out of it. I used the last of my orange lily fragrance oil and cut up some angel wing botanicals for decoration--no glitter this time. While I was measuring, I remembered I have quite a lot of loose chammomile tea that I could use as an additive! It is supposed to be very good for the skin and hair, but I'm afraid it would gunk up the tub too much. On the other hand, Lush does recommend putting the bomb inside an old stocking if it's full of twigs and other such botanicals. If I used chammomile, what fragrance to pair with it? Hmmmm. I'll have to think about that. And I must admit, I was a bit nervous about how these would unmold, but they popped right out! I didn't grind up the epsom salt with my mortar and pestle this time either. It was coarse and straight out of the bag but it made no difference in the molding process. Now all my girlfriends can take smelly baths! :)

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