Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fuzzy Feet--Before

Here I had such a drowsy night at work last night and I vowed to go straight to bed upon returning home...and then I sat up in my chair and finished my pair of Fuzzy Feet. I wanted to quick throw them in the washer before I hit the sack, but oh yeah, my neighbors were washing clothes as usual. All day. Constantly. Ceaseless. Nonstop. I also wanted to post a picture of them before the storm hits. We were lucky enough earlier in the week to not lose power, but I'm told that this storm is supposed to be even worse. My new fuzzy feet would have been a nice thing to wear but apparently it was not to be. Oh well, I'll be at work during the worst of it anyway. I needed to make a new pair for myself since I finally wore through my old ones without knowing it. I was walking around on the carpet with them on, and then stepped onto the linoleum of my kitchen and "Whooooooey!" There were some rather large holes and thereby cold spots on my feet! I can't wait to see how they will felt!

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