Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Felted Bag--BEFORE

I finished the knitting of this bag this morning and threw it into our washer to be felted. For things to felt properly, they need the shock of different temperatures. I put the machine on the "whites" setting for a hot wash and cold rinse. I was a bit concerned as to how the handles would hold up, but they did straighten out a little. Our machine does not get very hot though and we haven't had much shrinkage yet. I threw it in for a second cycle and we'll see how it turns out. As I recall, when I made Fuzzy Feet for Christmas last year, I did all the knitting here and took them home to machine felt them at my parents' house and their washer was 10 times better. I will be going home this weekend, but in the meantime I will have to start work on some Loom Blooms to decorate the bag with!

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