Friday, December 22, 2006

Get OFF my needles!

Happy Birthday Melissa! And since I probably won't see her til next week, I think it is safe to post a pic of her present here! This is knit from some stash yarn that my mother gave to me YEARS ago. It's a mohair/wool/acrylic blend that I've never known what to do with, that is until Melissa pointed out that she used to have a beige scarf like the one patterned in Handknit Holidays. Scarves are usually knit with short rows back and forth until they are the desired length. THIS scarf was knit lengthwise increasing in each stitch every fourth row to create the ruffles until it eventully became wide enough. You start out with 100 stitches and end up with over 3,000! And I don't know why, but it just seemed like it took so much longer to knit than a conventional scarf. Maybe it was just because the rows were SO long...what we would call a knitting black hole! I used my NeedleMaster needles and at the end had about 4 feet of nylon cord rigged up between my two needles!

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