Friday, December 08, 2006


Earlier in the week I spent some time dinking around when instead I should've been cleaning, but I found something to occupy my hands while I was busy wasting time and delaying the inevitable. I wrapped all of my co-worker bath bomb gifts with glittered tissue paper, bagged them individually in plastic, and tied them with jute twine, you know, for that rustic look. ;)

We had knitting night here on Sunday with Brenda the Hooker and Melissa, and even DeeDee managed to make an appearance. Melissa tried her hand at needle felting and we later had our first crafts related injury! And of course we took a picture of it--she bled and EVERYTHING!

And tonight I spent some time fooling around making a beaded tassel out of perle cotton with an elephant charm. It will go in one of the gifts that I hope to start AND finish today (including the remaining FOUR of the same I have to get done TODAY). I will post pics of those when (and IF!!!) I get them done before Urban Family Christmas Lunch tomorrow. This added gift is for the as yet unnamed friend ;) who collects elephants and I remembered I had this tiny charm. He must be carved out of stone of some sort, and was brought to me by my college roommate after a trip to India. He has been sitting inside the brass box she also brought me and I've never really known what to do with him. I think he will like his new home though :)


Anonymous said...

This will be one ornament that will make me, "the nameless friend" smile every year when I take it out of the "tree decoration" box. Thank you again for thinking of me. DD

Anonymous said...

P.S., it's ok to laugh I think because she laughed at herself too when she needled herself to blood, but it was funny! I'm glad I could be present for the first craft related injury, with blood and all.

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