Friday, September 29, 2006

Stupid Human Trick

Have you ever hypnotized a rabbit? My brother and sister and I used to raise 4-H rabbits and I don't know how we ever figured this out. It must involve nerve endings or something, but if you hold a rabbit with his feet against your chest and pet him at the base of his ears on the top of his head, he will lean back and just stiffen in your arms. You can then lay him onto his back on the ground and tuck his ears underneath his head and he will lie there like that until you nudge him over! It is the funniest thing! OR you can gently squeeze his mouth where his jaw joins and he will do that Cadbury Bunny chewing thing and you have a ventriloquist dummy! That was always fun too! We could always amuse ourselves as kids and loved playing with the rabbits in the house. Our poor mother, however, was allergic to rabbits and always knew if there was one in the house by the way her eyes would begin to itch and her uncontrollable sneezing. It wouldn't be long before Mother would appear in the doorway, rubbing her weeping eyes and shrieking, "Get that RABBIT out of here!" For the longest time we thought she was omnipotent, or at the very least psychic! This is my friend Summer's bunny and if memory serves me, it is a Dutch breed. My amateur eyes seem to think it has very good markings since Dutch rabbits can be a fussy breed to raise for shows. It is a very good tempered rabbit though and it was fun to be around one again.

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