Monday, September 18, 2006

Isn't she beautiful?

My sewing machine isn't exactly new, but she still feels new to me because I'm still getting to know her. I sewed three new scrubs on Friday and am finally getting the hang of her. It took me a while to get used to having to change the stitch width every time I switched from a decorative or interlocking stitch back to the zig zag or straight stitch, but I think I'm catching on. And I think I will just name her Martha and be done with it because she IS a lovely shade of Martha Blue after all. I thought I had some more time to sew that baby blanket, but after this morning's arrival I got busy working on it. I am VERY pleased with the way it turned out and am really enjoying this sewing machine. I'm trying to decide if I want to put stickers all over her or leave her as she is. Hmmmmm. And boy do I have a lot of crap on my table?!

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